Content Management System (CMS)

With years of experience in designing and developing websites, we have created packages based on popular site components (which we have seen used in regular combination on many sites).

Our developers continually build new features and modules to stay ahead of trends. This highly skilled flexibility allows us to work with award winning software - CMS Made Simple which can quite literally be adapted to give you the solutions you need to deliver your website just how you want it.

Working with other software such as WordPress is also worthwhile and more suited to smaller budgets - we are quite at home in every area of programming. Your budget specifications guide our way.

Content Managed Sites are the best way to keep a relevant and effective website via an online admin system that simply needs a web browser and access to the internet for a user to start inputting fresh material.

We show you how!

We can even write your content…

CMS Made Simple

CMS Made Simple is open source software. This means the software code is not proprietary but left ‘open’ to be used by all. Winner of the Packet Publishing Best Open Source Content management System 2010, it has had over one million downloads and is used across a host of sites worldwide from SMEs to large multinationals.

In many cases (and in the case of CMS Made Simple) the code is distributed for free. This means that whilst the software is as professional and robust as commercial equivalents it is considerably more cost effective. It enables designers and developers that provide open source solutions to do so to do so within tighter budgets. Open Source is backed by the UK Government who are actively adopting its use where appropriate:

CMS Made Simple is straightforward to use yet has powerful and effective functionality. Its base installation can be expanded through the many additional modules that can be ‘plugged in’. There are hundreds of modules available, meaning it is extremely easy to expand a site not just with pages but with entirely new functionality as your website needs grow.

Our developer is actually also a part of the CMS Made Simple development team. These twelve (currently) international individuals are responsible for the development and direction of the software. In practice what this means for our customers is that they get access to the highest possible product knowledge from someone who is part of creating the software as opposed to the common case of basic product knowledge from individuals who just use the software. We like to get a little bit proud of our experts.

We are also able to write bespoke tutorials for you and your webmaster so that they can refer to them after we have completed their training on the CMS. For a demonstration please click here.


Add and remove text yourself, change and edit pictures! Want a new webpage? Simply add one yourself! You control your content and we provide your design.

With a content managed website (run by the excellent software CMS Made Simple) you have the tools at your fingertips to run a unique site with no web design or HTML coding skills!

A simple word processor style editing system lets you change the content of your web pages whenever you want.

Take a look at the basics of the system by viewing the movie on the right. Click the play button on the movie. Click the expand button on the lower right side of the movie to enlarge