Kate Rose Writer

Web Design and Development


The brief

Kate Rose approached us needing a modern revamp of her website. Kate is a well established writer, and wanted the website to stylistically reflect the dark and mysterious nature of her historical novel, whilst promoting the wide range of literary services that she offers.

The result

With a palette of black and gold, we have produced a website that whilst modern in style, evokes the feeling of the mysterious world of ancient London where her book is set. We used tinted overlays in conjunction with some carefully selected photographic images to set the tone.

We included a short biography of Kate and expanded on the ‘Writing Coaching’ and ‘Ghostwriting’ services that she offers. There is pricing information for the ‘Writing Coaching’, with an easy link through to the ‘Contact Us’ page. The information on ghostwriting shows examples of books that Kate has been involved in, across many genres. The clean design of the informative blog page has links through to articles that she has written about many aspects of the creative process.

We have added links to online retail outlets where Kate’s book can be purchased. Kate was pleased with the final website and felt that the design and imagery we had used properly represented the style of her book and the learning programmes she offers.
