Michele Kaye

Web Design and Development


The brief

Michele Kaye approached us to create an inspirational website for her Nia holistic fitness practice. Nia combines elements of dance with martial arts and relaxation techniques, and is easily adaptable for everybody, regardless of age, health or fitness level. Michele wanted these key aspects of Nia reflected in the feel of the website, and needed it to include an online booking system.

The result

To create a design that reflects the energy of the Nia classes that Michele Kaye offers, we have contrasted the fresh white with deep red and turquoise tones. Using gradated tint overlays teamed with images of the fitness classes and elements from nature reflecting the ‘mind and spirit’ aspect of Nia. The predominant clear font used works well with the selective use of a hand-written style for contrast.

We have created an easy to use booking system that outlines the available schedule, payments and course information. Also featuring testimonials that reinforce the great product that Michele Kaye offers, alongside promoting her ‘Eat Dance Shine’ book which can be ordered directly from the website. There are inspirational blog and update pages where Michele can post current information and ideas to engage with her followers.

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