Telling Your Story: Why Storytelling Matters for your Brand

It’s all too easy to launch a campaign or create content from a product-driven perspective. You’re eager to get your company’s name out there with wit and economy – so why do you need to tell a story? Why can’t you simply launch a campaign and hope customers latch on?

Audiences are tough to crack. They want to know why you are selling or offering a certain service, why you believe it’s important, and lastly, what your company ethos is. We don’t watch the John Lewis advert for the latest coffee machine, we want the narrative and the emotion.


What is a digital brand story and what does it need to contain?

A digital brand story is where tradition meets modern media. A company will create and develop that delivers a particular message but also highlights its mission statement, values, its history, and its visions for the future.

Having a digital brand story invites your audience and potential customers to want more information, as well as build your status as a reputable brand. First impressions matter in the digital space, so make sure that the start of your story doesn’t end with your customers clicking away.

The components of your digital brand story:

• Graphics and logos – visuals are essential to your brand’s ability to be recognised and often play a part in a customer’s decision to choose your company over the next

• Photos and illustrations – whether it’s digital doodles or high-resolution pictures, always ensure that these are woven into your digital brand story

• Headlines, sub-headings, and slogans – create a catchphrase or a sub-heading that audiences will remember, short and snappy so that customers stay engaged

• Positioning statement – consider what you are offering and why it meets the needs of your target demographic


Top Tips for Improving Your Brand’s Digital Story

• Tone of Voice – depending on your target demographic, your tone of voice will vary. Moreover, the status of your brand as more corporate or informal, as such, should be taken into consideration. Perhaps one of the most significant aspects when it comes to your brand’s tone of voice is what sector your company falls into. Are you part of the healthcare space, the tech world, or the arts industry? Once you have established your brand’s tone of voice, then it’s time to start thinking about expanding your audience!

• Ethos and Values – if you want to be viewed as a respectable and legitimate brand, then it’s vital that you deliver on your promises. That is, when outlining a set of values or principles for your brand, that you stick to them. Customers are always on the lookout for authenticity, so create values that your company can adhere to.

• Background – customers love reading stories and anecdotes about how your brand came to be and what the reasons behind starting up your company were. This also includes factual information about where you studied or developed your craft! Your audience is after reasons why they can relate to you and understand more about your history, so remember to have an intriguing ‘About Me’ page on your website or blog.

Method in the Madness: Telling your Digital Brand Story

• Video Content Creation – customers love video content. More often than not, customers will opt for video content before going ahead with a purchase. Whether it’s a reel showing them how a product is made or if it’s a testimonial, your audience will be more likely to engage with your brand. Remember to balance both professional and fun content!

• Blog Posts – you’re currently reading this blog. Why? You want information, insights, and a way of interacting with us on some level. Blog posts can be particularly useful when you want to discuss industry-related topics. They can also form the basis of an SEO-centred digital marketing strategy.

• Social Proofing – interacting and gaining the attention of influencers can be difficult. However, you can tease new ideas to your followers and let them do the work. If you perfect the right tone of voice and demonstrate your brand’s values in an effective way, then social proofing could see your brand getting a new influx of followers and partnerships!


You’ve got the steps, now all you need to do is gather those testimonials and sell your digital brand story. Don’t forget to drop us a line if you want to plan your next marketing strategy.

If you need us you can get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] or give us a call on 01923 260519.